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May not be suitable for all audiences.
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Didi Menendez, Cuban American Poet,
Writer, Web Designer and single parent of four. Presently living in Miami,
FL USA and capturing images of Cuban Culture, Americana, Internet,
Erotica, Sensual, Sexual poems and short stories. Some articles contain
erotic poems or stories which may not be suitable for all audiences.
Please be advised.
of Didi
Camelot's Bed
Sex Sang Sultry
Happy Birthday Mister President
His wife looked on
Gorillas slaughtered in the Bay like pigs
But not before Golden Boy
Pulls the Plug on Air Force One
Cold Missiles
Cold war on Satan's door
Sex Overdosed on White Satin Sheets
DiMaggio's brothers watched it on TV
63 Lucifer smoked his Cigar and called the shot
That made Dallas Bleed
Lone Star Son raises his hand
Pledges allegiance to the flag
Jackie watches dressed
Pill Hat and blood stains
64 Boys were sent to fight in Nam
Others retaliated burning the flag
Standing for freedom crossed the border
To Canada
We shot Wet backs trying
To do the same across another frontier
Leary turned on and tuned out
68 Brother and Brutha Slain
Jackie changed her name to Oh
69 Orgies on Woodstock
Got High So High We touched the Sky
And went for a walk on the moon
70 is not Crook
Brought our boys home to empty parade streets
Played Ping Pong With China
Vice took over and put on boogie shoes
Then tripped on the dance floor
At 80 we developed Alzheimer
Do you remember a rocket exploding?
Did it have a teacher onboard???
And what happened to Communism?
Can't remember too old
90 degree turn and another Golden Boy
Takes his turn in the office
Devil's Cigar with Cheap perfume
99 Camelot's baby fell from the sky
Satan's angel baby washed ashore
ASS Party sent him back
Countdown to Zero
Hanging by a thread
Will be sleeping in Camelot's bed