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Cartas para Miss Nahema

Contact Miss Nahema for Tarot reading or spiritual guidance.  If you prefer your reading not to be published please let her know.

Dear Miss Nahema:
I am afraid the desire to please my parents is going to kill me. I am now 23 years old and my life is a complete mess! My dream has always been to become a fashion designer but my parents always insisted I become a lawyer instead because it is a prestigious profession and there is a lot of money to be made in it. I have always been an A student. When I graduated from high-school, I applied for a scholarship in a very good design school and got it. My parents got furious and forbade me to go but I went anyway. Once there, I could not concentrate on my work because I knew they were very angry and disappointed with me. To make a long story short, I got involved in hard drugs, I quit school altogether, and ended in rehab. My parents disowned me. I never hear from them. I live far away from home, in a halfway house, and I never hear from them. Friends that have tried to get in touch with me, through them, never get my number because they are embarrassed of me. I am so depressed I have even lost interest in fashion design. I am afraid all the pressure will get me back into drugs. I feel like I can't go on.
Desperate in Florida

Dear Desperate in Florida:

You are now an adult, no longer a child. I am sure your parents had good intentions for you but they neglected to accept your basic nature and desires. What I mean to say is that you did not receive from them the kind of unconditional love to which every child is entitled. No parent means to wrong their children, and to the extent that they do, it is the result of the poor parenting they may have received.

Right now, you must strengthen your spirit in a positive, spiritual way. I
suggest you find a spiritual mentor, minister, priest, guru, or anyone who
can guide you in a way that will make you strong and self-reliant. The
twelve step program of AA has wonderful ways to deal with misfortunes such as yours. I also suggest you read the biographies of individuals who have succeeded against all odds. Such stories are very inspirational and motivating, because they will show you that you are not alone.

The interest in design will return to you when you become stronger in your resolve. An artist is always an artist. Talent cannot vanish into thin air. It will return.

Once you become completely sober and focused in your desire to succeed, you will gain the love and approval of your own self and the admiration of many others will also follow.


(Send you questions in English or Spanish to webmaster and they will be forwarded to Ms. Nahema)

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Last modified: December 27, 2000