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Christy Kabbani has been a world traveler and natural cook from a very
early age. She was graduated from SUNY, New Paltz, NY, where she majored in Art History. She attended the Bosporus University in Istanbul, Turkey where she studied Byzantine Art and Literature. She is currently at work creating her first cookbook based on her experiences and travels. She currently lives in Naperville, Illinois with her husband and three small children.

For a real taste of the Caribbean try this delicious recipe highly recommended by:  Christy Kabbani


Coconut Ice Cream


one 14oz can of evaporated milk

14oz of sweet and condensed milk

14oz of coconut milk

1/4 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice

1 teaspoon of almond or coconut extract

  1. Mix all ingredients by hand until fully blended.
  2. Put in freezer and chill l to l and a half hours, until mixture is semi-frozen.
  3. Remove from freezer and whisk the mixture by hand, or with an electric beater, until it is fluffy, and nearly doubled in volume.
  4. Pour into a freezer container, such as tupperware, cover and freeze until firm.
  5. Before serving, let ice-cream soften for about 3 minutes, at room temperature.
  6. Decorate with fresh pineapple and shredded coconut.

Serves 8



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Last modified: January 15, 2001