| Book Review by: Mario Artiga Miami, FL, USA
Fire and IceWritten by Paul Garrison Paul Garrison's book Fire and Ice is an excellent suspense novel. Aside from the spackling of curse words, there are also many nautical terms land-folk like me don't understand. This was how it lost one globe from its rating. But in general the book is very easy reading about a family aboard a small nautical clinic and how suddenly they become both kidnap victims and even castaways!
I recommend the book. I give it four globes.
top rating is five stars!
Book Review by: Adolfo
Rivero Caro. The Index of Economic Liberty 2001 just came out. It evaluates the economic liberty of 155 countries around the world according to 10 general factors: open markets, tax burden, government intervention, monetary policy, property rights, regulations, black market and others. It is, at the same time, an empirical study and a pretty deep economical analysis. It gives a lot of importance to NAFTA and traces Fox's victory to its effect on Mexico (68). Got to have it, if you are interested in this sort of thing. It was published by The Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal. You can browse it in English and Spanish in www.neoliberalismo.com.
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